Essential Gestalt Concepts

Connections and Themes:

These essential concepts are all interconnected. Here are some themes according to which they can be grouped together:

Theme #1: Organismic Self-Regulation/ Healthy Functioning/ Creative Adjustment.
Relevant blog posts: Awareness, Change and Self-Regulation, Gestalt Cycle, Contact & Boundary, Polarities & Integration

Theme #2: Self as Process/ Self at the Boundary.
Relevant blog posts: Field Theory, Gestalt Cycle, Self, Contact & Boundary, Holism

Theme #3: Phenomenological Inquiry/ Immediate Awareness/ Present Moment
Relevant blog posts: Awareness, Phenomenology

Theme #4: Existential Phenomenology/ Dialogic Relationship
Relevant blog posts: Awareness, Self, Phenomenology, Dialogue

Theme #5: Holism
Relevant blog posts: Field Theory, Holism


Field Theory: Overview


Reading List and Resources